
Think you have Stress/March Fracture?

Book an appointment to have a Registered Podiatrist diagnose your pain and proscribe you a treatment today!


What is Stress/March Fracture?

A stress fracture is a small crack in a bone, or severe bruising within a bone. It normally occurs in the second and third metatarsals in the foot, which are thinner (and often longer) than the first metatarsal. This is the area of greatest impact on your foot as you push off to walk or run.

How do I get this?

  • Stress fractures often occur when people change their activities — such as by trying a new exercise, suddenly increasing workout intensity, or changing the workout surface.

  • Osteoporosis or other diseases can weaken the bones, just doing everyday activities may result in a stress fracture.

What can I do about it?

  • Refrain from high impact activities for an adequate period of time.

  • Call your podiatrist.

What help can I get for this?

  • Use the RICE protocol- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

  • Short term use of anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen)

  • Podiatrists can advise footwear advise

  • Some bones may take longer to heal so your doctor may apply a cast.

When will it get better?

  • In most cases, it takes from 6 to 8 weeks for a stress fracture to heal.

  • More serious stress fractures can take longer.

  • Returning to activity too soon can put you at risk for larger, harder-to-heal stress fractures and an even longer down time.

  • Reinjury could lead to chronic problems and the stress fracture might never heal properly.